Udachu Remains An Enigma
As you are all aware, Udachu is quite a highly regarded enterprise amongst most seasoned HYIP players, however, I see little to no reason why this should be the case. Although there is little information pertaining to Udachu's illegitimacy, there is similarly little to no information implying its legitimacy. I have been investigating Udachu for some time now, providing a wide berth for substantiating evidence to be uncovered, however, it is yet to appear. As you know, I have been in contact with the CEO of Udachu Financial Services, along with a number of the board members, all of whom seem to be relatively charismatic individuals. I was offered conference calls and further briefing, however, I am completely uninterested as at the end of the day words remain meaningless and redundant unless substantiated by evidential matter. It seems most investors are overwhelmed with the Udachu staff's character/persona and act upon their impressions as opposed to a factual base.
Some people suggest that Udachu's managed accounts offer some kind of referred security and implied legitimacy to its overall operation, however, this is less than accurate. The Udachu MAs are in fact run by an independent party, and have no connection to the operation other than Udachu being the referrer. An account with the mentioned MA can be set up independently of Udachu and has no direct connection to other Udachu investment operations. Essentially, they are not Udachu's MAs at all, it would be like one company referring a client to an independent operation and then going ahead and saying that the operation is somehow theirs. Therefore, the notion that 'Udachu's MAs' are in some way an indicator of legitimacy is erroneous and redundant.
The true nature of Udachu is nothing short of a mystery. At this stage it would be hard to distinguish them as the next PIPs or as a revolutionary investment enterprise. What we do know is that their legitimacy and underlying intentions are far from established, which is more than enough reason for me to avoid any substantial involvement in any of their operations.
If anyone is interested in any of the Udachu investment lines, understand that their accrediting information base is comprised entirely of words, explanations, and completely objective conjecture. No verifiable and factually based information is available.